Thanks to Fireman Nick for telling me about this short film last night. It's a film by Matt Duggan and produced by Annex Film Group and it's about a simple game of Tag that is destroying Shane Wayne's life--will he escape? Or will he be the next one "IT"?
Part One
Part Two
Sunday, 23 March 2008
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Thursday, 20 March 2008
Possibly My Favourite Cinema Scene Ever
Having had the misfortune of seeing 10,000 BC at the cinema tonight (possibly the worst film I've seen in a long time but, then again, the competition is seriously stiff for that accolade) I needed some proper cinema and found this on the interweb tonight. It's from Mike Leigh's Naked with a performance from David Thewlis that can only be described as the best performance never to win an Oscar
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Wednesday, 19 March 2008
Favourite Album of 2007
I know we're nearly a third of the way through 2008 but I've been pondering these last two and half months and have finally come up with a decision.
The shortlist
Disco 4 by Pet Shop Boys (especially their remix of Yoko Ono's Walking On Thin Ice)
Finding Forver by Common
Kroungine by Bola
Untrue by Burial
Send Away The Tigers by Manic Street Preachers
Calibi Yau Manifold by Dopplereffeckt
Grinderman by Grinderman
And the winner is (drum roll please).........
Send Away The Tigers by Manic Street Preachers. I don't think any band has produced an 8th album that is so focussed, angry and on the button as this one. The last two albums were treading water but this harks back to the glory days of their first album Generation Terrorists when they were firing both barrels. A spectacular, unexpected return
to form.
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Tuesday, 11 March 2008
Tonight's Entertainment
For the first time in a long time I missed film night this week and instead attended a talk on the works of the great British architect Edwin Lutyens in Ludlow given by TV's Gavin Stamp. Not my usual cup of tea but my stepmum was out with work colleagues and my dad didn't want to go alone. I felt a bit underdressed and out of place in jeans, Transformers t-shirt and trainers but was glad I didn't bother to wear my old fogey cords and brogues as I would have looked the same as everyone else. The Assembly Rooms didn't exactly smell of death but I was the youngest there by a good two decades and I thought I might get a lollipop at the end for being such a well behaved boy!
Next month's talk is on the history of corrugated iron in the building industry.....I think film night might be a better option
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