It's been 9 months since I last blogged. Unfortunately the creative juices dried up when I started my new job. I hope that they are now back and I can start contributing again!
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
Stolen Songs
Part of being in a relationship is the sharing of beliefs, ideals, likes and dislikes. With that comes the sharing of music, art and films etc. But once that relationship ends I find that those things shared are now co-owned and have extra, personal, meanings which is why I haven't listened to "Out of Sight" by Spiritualized from their Let It Come Down album for 5 months; a song I adore and shared with my ex, which she loved, and that we danced to, cuddled to and loved to.
It's a song I'd love to reclaim as my own but time has not allowed that to happen....maybe one day.
Out of sight is always out of mind
I think out of mind is out of sight
I was just looking for some peace of mind
I just couldn't find a peace of mine
They say that pride comes just before a fall
I have fallen and I wasn't sure
You know that I have fallen further before
I just cannot stand falling no more
If I am good I could add years to my life
I would rather add some life to my years
Life is really what you make it they say
I can't even make my mind up today
The world keeps turning it keeps me in my place
Where I stand is only three miles from space
Standing space is all the space I can stand
Gravity just keeps on keeping me down
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Thursday, 17 April 2008
A Series of Lines - Worcester City Art Gallery
It's not often that Worcester City Art Gallery does modern but their current exhibition of works and ongoing collaborations of Esther Appleyard and Craig Kerrecoe is worth visiting - especially as it's free!
I'm not much of an art critic so I won't offer a critique of their work but I found their interest in DNA, data storage and human beings relationship with predetermination and free will challenging and interesting. What makes Esther Appleyard's work especially relevant is that she looks at DNA and genetic manimpulation from the point of view of being a wheelchair user with a genetically inherited condition.
There's a new cafe as well on the first floor that's worth visiting.
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Monday, 14 April 2008
In Praise Of #3: Dear Catastrophe Waitress - Belle and Sebastian
I've posted lots of praises in the last two weeks but hey - here's another! Belle and Sebastian must get bored of being described as whimisical but i'm going to do it anyway - the albums preceeding this release were whimsical and somewhat lightweight. Having signed to Rough Trade they obviously got a much bigger recording budget and employed the legendary Trevor Horn as producer - and what a job he did. Horn is, of course, famous for his bombastic productions of ABS, Frankie Goes to Hollywood etc but he's a changed man now. It has horns, it has strings, it has beautiful arrangements - in fact the closet comparison I can make it that it is, soundwise if not lyrically, the noughties version of Love's Forever Changes, itself a classic album.
A must buy.
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Thursday, 10 April 2008
In Praise Of #2: Lakeland's Customer Service
Nowadays I think we accept poor customer service too easily so I think good customer service should be highlighted. I was in Lakeland in Worcester at the beginning of the week (not my usual haunt I might add) with a friend. We were greeted as we walked in and we had a look around trying to find what he wanted - not finding it we asked a member of staff who led the way to the ground floor and straight to product he was after. Perfect customer service.
So if you're looking for kitchenware you know where to go!
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Wednesday, 9 April 2008
In Praise Of #1:'s 75 Tracks for 99p
I like emusic. Being one of the first legal music sites to offer DRM-free mp3 they have no major label artists but they have enough on offer to make it a decent site to buy from. Their current offer of 75 tracks for 99p is excellent value for money (you have to sign up, download your tracks and close your account within a month).
The great music I've bought with this offer;
Finisterre - Saint Etienne
Dear Catastrophe Waitress - Belle & Sebastian
From The Hip - Section 25
Complete Organ Music, Vol. 1 - Olivier Messiaen
Eight Parabolic Studies - Henri Pousseur
Persepolis Remixes Edition 1 - Iannis Xenakis
Krannerg - Iannis Xenakis
Dox-Ork - Iannis Xenakis
Coro - Luciano Berio
Das Atmende Klarsein - Luigi Nono
The Confession of Isobel Gowdie - James McMillan
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Monday, 7 April 2008
Secret Vices #3: Time - Electric Light Orchestra
I was brought up on Beethoven and the Rolling Stones with a bit of ELO thrown in for good measure. I'm not really sure why I like this album - it's a concept album (a good 10 years after concept albums were in vogue) and according to wiki it "tells the story of a man, circa 1981, who is taken away by time travelers to the late 21st Century. Once there, he marvels at the wonders that the future offers, but is also increasingly amazed to find that he longs for his own time (the past) and the woman he left behind because of his journey forward". Sounds great eh? Why anyone would hanker for 1981 is beyond me - all I can remember was race riots, a huge economic recession, having my teeth knocked out in a car crash and Manchester City losing the FA Cup Final to Spurs (an event that has caused significant psychological trauma since). Anyway Time has some cool computerised vocals, Jeff Lynne momentarily forgetting he was trying to be The Beatles circa Sgt Pepper and a couple of horrendous tracks.
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Sunday, 23 March 2008
Thanks to Fireman Nick for telling me about this short film last night. It's a film by Matt Duggan and produced by Annex Film Group and it's about a simple game of Tag that is destroying Shane Wayne's life--will he escape? Or will he be the next one "IT"?
Part One
Part Two
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Thursday, 20 March 2008
Possibly My Favourite Cinema Scene Ever
Having had the misfortune of seeing 10,000 BC at the cinema tonight (possibly the worst film I've seen in a long time but, then again, the competition is seriously stiff for that accolade) I needed some proper cinema and found this on the interweb tonight. It's from Mike Leigh's Naked with a performance from David Thewlis that can only be described as the best performance never to win an Oscar
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Wednesday, 19 March 2008
Favourite Album of 2007
I know we're nearly a third of the way through 2008 but I've been pondering these last two and half months and have finally come up with a decision.
The shortlist
Disco 4 by Pet Shop Boys (especially their remix of Yoko Ono's Walking On Thin Ice)
Finding Forver by Common
Kroungine by Bola
Untrue by Burial
Send Away The Tigers by Manic Street Preachers
Calibi Yau Manifold by Dopplereffeckt
Grinderman by Grinderman
And the winner is (drum roll please).........
Send Away The Tigers by Manic Street Preachers. I don't think any band has produced an 8th album that is so focussed, angry and on the button as this one. The last two albums were treading water but this harks back to the glory days of their first album Generation Terrorists when they were firing both barrels. A spectacular, unexpected return
to form.
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Tuesday, 11 March 2008
Tonight's Entertainment
For the first time in a long time I missed film night this week and instead attended a talk on the works of the great British architect Edwin Lutyens in Ludlow given by TV's Gavin Stamp. Not my usual cup of tea but my stepmum was out with work colleagues and my dad didn't want to go alone. I felt a bit underdressed and out of place in jeans, Transformers t-shirt and trainers but was glad I didn't bother to wear my old fogey cords and brogues as I would have looked the same as everyone else. The Assembly Rooms didn't exactly smell of death but I was the youngest there by a good two decades and I thought I might get a lollipop at the end for being such a well behaved boy!
Next month's talk is on the history of corrugated iron in the building industry.....I think film night might be a better option
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Wednesday, 27 February 2008
Curiosities of Worcester
I'm a member of a group on Facebook called Curiosities of Worcester which I sort of have a love/hate relationship with. It's a collection of photos of Worcester "personalities". I love it because we should celebrate individualism but hate it as well because some of the names are offensive as well as some of the comments (usually about body odour etc).
I thought it was pretty harmless although I could understand why some family members might be offended by it. But now it seems to have got out of control. One of the members of the group, James, was recently visited by the Police. Here's his statement
"Well, earlier today, while at work a police woman came in looking for me; she asked my manager if we could speak in private, where she pulled out a file filled with information on this very site. She proceeded to give me a verbal lambasting, and besides the fact I told her that all but two of my photos were completely with permission for this site, I was told I would have to take them down.I’m not the only person this lady of the law is after however, just one on the long list of those who have added to this politically incorrect yet extremely entertaining group. As much as it pains me to say this, it might be a good idea for those who have added pics on here to take them down, like I have had to do…"
A bit of an over-reaction. Why did the Police have to visit him at work? Surely a home visit would have been more appropriate?
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I was happily doing a mix tonight and my decks and monitor shook - it wasn't some bangin' tune I was playing but another earthquake! Thankfully not as bad as the 2002 one!
I did find this great website. It looks like the epicentre was somewhere around Lincoln - hope the Cathedral is not damaged.
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Tuesday, 26 February 2008
I'm not a religious person so I don't see God's hand in them and I don't believe that events are pre-destined to happen in the exact manner of a prior plan or formula but I have two recent coincidences that have spooked me out. Some things seem coincidences when there not such as the odds that two people share a birthday, for example, reaches 50% with a group of just 22 but others I can't account for.
The first was on Sunday night when I was discussing the age of my landlady's dog and told her that her dog must be nearing her centenary in human years. The next day I got an email of her telling me that her dog was 100 exactly on the day before. I know little of dog/human years so had not done any calculations!
The second was a few months back. My then girlfriend had taken her son to school and I was at a loose end so got started reading a book, The Seven Pillars of Wisdom by T.E.Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) his account of the Arabia campaign in the Great War. When she came back we walked into town and passed the war memorial. Looking at it it said that it was unveiled by the Chief of Staff General Allenby. I commented that Allenby was Lawrence's superior officer during the Arabia campaign and that I had just read about him. I bought myself a Guardian and started reading it when I got home and inside there was a pullout of archive stories from throughout the Guardian's history. One of the stories was on the funeral of Lawrence and quoted Allenby's eulogy that he gave at the funeral. Spooky eh?
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Wednesday, 20 February 2008
ChavWatch #1
Saw a chav today with his Nike Air hooded top, tracksuit bottoms, trainers and rosary beads around his neck!
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Monday, 18 February 2008
Secret Vices #2: Homes Under The Hammer
I doubt many would have seen this unless they are unemployed, stuck on the sofa ill watching daytime TV or they're a budding property entrepreneur. This programme follows property developers who have bought properties at auction and finds out what they're going to do with it and then comes back some months later to find out how they've got on, whether they've stuck to the budget and then get some fly-by-night estate agents in to revalue the property.
Having lived in rented accommodation for most of my adult life, in the great scheme of things, landlords come just below murders and paedophiles so when a developer goes over budget and the property makes a loss I'm happy. Very occassionally there are developers I do empathise with like the couple who bought properties to renovate and then let to DSS claimants; their aim was to sell up in a couple of years and go and build schools in Africa.
Can't wait for the housing crash to see all these buy-to-let landlords lose it all!
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Thursday, 14 February 2008
Another gem overheard in the library yesterday between a chav and his mate; "How do you spell stupid?"
I had a good cackle to myself whilst admiring the irony!
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Wednesday, 13 February 2008
More Tattoos!
Heard a great story from X at Film Nite last night - and apparently true! A rather large, chavtastic, not-the-best-looking woman went into a tattooist and wanted the names of all her 9 children tattooed on her back. When finished she went back upstairs. Thinking that she had left the tattooist shouted up “9 kids? Who’d f%&k that?!”. The receptionist was suitably embarrassed.
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Friday, 8 February 2008
Everything Happens To Me
It's been a slow week on the blog front so I'll end the week with some lyrics that just about sum up my life at the moment!
Everything Happens To Me (Matt Dennis / Tom Adair)
Black cats creep across my path
Until I'm almost mad
I must have roused the devils wrath
cause all my luck is bad
I make a date for golf and you can bet your life it rains
I try to give a party and the guy upstairs complains
I guess I'll go thru life just catchin colds and missin trains
Everything happens to me
I never miss a thing
I've had the measels and the mumps
And every time I play an ace
My partner always trumps
Guess I'm just a fool who never looks before he jumps
Everything happens to me
At first my heart thought you could break this jinx for me
That love would turn the trick to end despair
But know I just cant fool this head that thinks for me
I've mortgaged all my castlesin the air
I've telegraphed and phoned
I send an airmail special too
Your answer was goodbye
And there was even postage due
I fell in love just once
And then it had to be with you
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Wednesday, 6 February 2008
Britain's BPMs
Article on the Guardian's website today arguing that Britain is a country divided by it's taste in music and tries to explain why different towns fall for different sounds. I found the BPM (beats per minute) stats interesting;
John O'Groats - 190 bpm
Manchester & Liverpool - 150 bpm
Birmingham - 120 bpm
London - 90 bpm
West country - 80 bpm
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Friday, 1 February 2008
My favourite website at the moment is....
My favourite website at the moment is (pprune is the acronym for The Professional Pilots Rumour Network).
Be warned! You may never want to fly again!
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