Monday 21 January 2008

Winding Up Hacks

Liverpool again showed it's distain for journalists at the City of Culture opening ceremony last week (something we should all follow!)

"As the audience took their seats, workers in hard hats and reflective jackets were still on stage banging and brushing. A tacky illuminated sign suspended above them gleamed Liverpool 08. The L started flashing, stopped and, with five other letters, went dim, leaving only "poo" alight.

A workman climbed up and attempted to tightrope, then crawl along the sign. Oh God, this is terrible, thought the hack in row AA. He's going to break his neck! Another capital of culture cock-up! A flash, a bang and the workman tumbled, his fall broken by a well-concealed safety harness. Much relief: it's a joke, a self-parodying merry prank. The hack felt stupid."


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